Zoe Kronakis: Before I got pregnant, doctors told me I’d have trouble having kids.

‘ I was given 2% chances” reveals .In her personal management, when she faced the doctor’s estimates of the chances of having her own children, Zoe Kronakis was sincerely mentioned on Saturday afternoon, when she met Kellys Vranakis in the new episode for ERT Backstage. “Before I got pregnant, doctors told me that I would have trouble having children. This happened to my daughter and my son. My son, in fact, was given two percent chances. And that’s because my mother had a very new menopause, so my indicators weren’t the best” confessed, initially, the beautiful public television presenter. “So from 32 – 33, that I did some checking to see what was going on with this story, I was told that we had to speed it up somehow. Eventually, though, even after 4 to 5 years of the boy’s arrival, did he work in some way but 2% probability? And not only did a doctor tell me, I had looked for it a lot then” Zoe Kronaki added.