Antigone Drakoulaki: The right to adoption is also about the right not to want to have a child

‘ I took pressure to have a child,” says .An interview with journalist Christiana Kochlatzi gave Antigone Drakouliki. The well-known actress opened her heart to Happy Day’s camera, speaking of motherhood, the social pressure that women take on having a child, while describing her experience from the field of education. “Many people are trying to adopt a child and are having trouble, because the processes are time-consuming. The campaign that we have done recently is trying to do, raise awareness and shake things up a little,” says Antigone Dragouliki. “The right to adoption is also about the right not to want to have a child. This is not reprehensible,” the actress points out. “And I clearly accepted this pressure of having a child before I was 40 and that works as a deterrent. Motherhood is a magical world. We do things with Mars and as it grows we discuss more,” describes Antigone Dragoulakis at another point. “I have finished theatre and worked as an educator in private and public education. Through contact with my children the need for motherhood was born. Before that, I didn’t have it in mind”, admits Antigone Dragoulakis on Alpha’s morning show.