Manos Pantazis: Some of my friends who made bad choices later had serious psychological issues

‘ Dark side in modeling does not exist, if you don’t want to exist,” said . The super model of ’90s, Manos Pantazis, speaks to Happy Day’s camera and Christiana Kohlatzis about his international career in modeling, his collaboration with well-known designers, while responding to what is heard about “dark world” of flash. “I am 51 years old. I run almost 10 kilometers a day, watch my diet and exercise. It also helps DNA a little,” states Manos Pantazis. “We worked too much in modeling, it was my basic profession. If I decided to deal with this further, I would have to live abroad, travel a lot. But the family was my primary purpose,” he then admits. “I have indelible experiences from collaborations with Versace, Ferret, Gartier, Gotier, Armani. Armani when I first met him, I forgot my book, so I had nothing to show him. I tell him, this is who I am, if I do, fine. Fortunately he took me to his show,” Manos Pantazis describes elsewhere. “That same night he took us with his limousine to watch the U2 concert at Olympico, Rome. I saw Madonna in person,” she added. “Dark side didn’t exist if you didn’t want him to exist. Every man has barriers, boundaries and is too easy to reject without being in a difficult position. Some of my friends, who made bad choices, then had serious psychological issues, because they did things they didn’t want and regretted them,” confesses Manos Pantazis on Happy Day’s camera.