Greek abroad explains how he found the leak of emails in Asimakopoulou

Reactions to barrage in Greeks abroad from her office for the June European elections continue. Anna Michel Asimakopoulou announced that she would not be a candidate in the European elections, while at least two Greeks abroad, a resident of the Netherlands and a resident of London filed a lawsuit against the Greek State. Speaking to LIVE NEWS Antonis Pečas, a resident of London, explained how he found the leak of electronic addresses, stressing that the foreign ministry is responsible. Mr Petsas is working in the field of data analysis and is well aware of the penalties and protection provided in such matters. As he said, “there is never a chance of keeping a protocol and leaking the evidence from the ministry.” Mr.Petsas and the rest of the Greeks of London received Mrs.Asimakopoulou’ email on March 1st, about 07:00 in the morning. “I had written last year to vote as a Republican in the first election. I didn’t make it, but I voted in the second. This year for the epistolic vote I had not even applied,” said Mr.Petsas. As he said, the email informed that the epistolic vote was coming, asked the outcasts to sign up on the platform and stressed that there would be continuous information in the next 100 days about the actions ahead of the European elections. Indeed, it enabled them to become aware of data protection policy. “The joke is that those who were stepping on it by Mrs. Asimakopoulou knew how many they were,” commented Mr. Pettsas. Criminal proceedings in progress Mr.Petsa’s lawyer, Vassilis Sotiropoulos, stressed that “the criminal proceedings are under way by the prosecution of Athens. This concerns a leg that is self-evident and that is why we do not sue. We will see how the investigation will end, whether they will personify responsibilities, whether they will be prosecuted, so that we can exercise the rights on the part of the expatriates.” “The outcasts, so far, have filed lawsuits against the Greek public for not protecting their data,” he concluded.