5 things that are forbidden to do immediately after eating – a Great deal of attention in the last!

Many of us live under the constant pressure of time, to catch up with our daily routine… So we end up doing some of the habits in a hurry that seem harmless at first glance, but which have a negative charge in our body.
We decided to find out what exactly you don’t have to rush to do after eating and why.
Shower or bath

When we shower or bath, the body temperature is slightly increased, as the body sends into the skin a little more blood than usual. This can disrupt the process of digestion and slows the absorption of food.
The ideal time for swimming is 30 minutes after a meal.

A cup of hot tea after a meal for some is an integral part of the food. However, studies have shown that this harmless beverage prevents iron absorption – the basic trace element that plays a very important role in the human body. Therefore, within an hour after a meal, the tea should not be consumed by people suffering from iron deficiency, children and pregnant women.
Adults it is better to drink a cup of coffee, which, it is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, or to accompany with a glass of water.

The myth that eating before sleep is the direct cause of weight gain, has long been refuted. But surely there are negative consequences. Sleep with a full stomach causes several disorders, such as the occurrence of heartburn, regurgitation, and increase the acidity of the stomach. In addition, it has been proven that sleep immediately after a meal increases the risk of stroke.
Experts agree that you can sleep safely, at least 2 hours after the meal.

No matter how tantalizing is the idea to immediately go to the gym, and experts do not recommend it. The full stomach can cause discomfort in the form of hiccups and nausea, as well as more serious consequences, in the form of increased and traumatic seizures.
If you can’t wait after a meal, it is preferable to go for a quiet walk, and you can do a comprehensive fitness program at least 2 hours after the meal.

During the process of digestion are involved in virtually all the systems of our body. At this point, the nicotine is absorbed twice as fast, increasing to a large extent the harmful effects. Also, it has been shown that smoking can inhibit the process of assimilation of vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamins C and D, and smoking can cancel even the healthy meal.
Of course, it is better to quit smoking completely. But if you can’t stand without a cigarette, smoke at least 20 minutes later after the meal.
Credit: Adme