Shaken the confidence of the Greeks against journalists and MEDIA

Shaken is the confidence of the Greeks against the journalists and the MEDIA as they consider that…
affected by unfair business and political interests.
As shown in the research of the Institute of Reuters for digital information in Greece to 2016, the percentages of confidence of the Greeks in the news (20%), the media (16%) and journalists (11%), is the lowest of the 26 countries of the research.
“Recorded a general indication of a dispute in the political system, with a parallel lack of confidence in the MEDIA, which they believe are affected by business and political interests, and especially in Greece, this rate approximates rates unprecedented,” reported the assistant professors in the Department of Journalism and MEDIA of ARISTOTLE university of thessaloniki Nikos Panayiotou and Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, as responsible of the issuance of results for Greece.
“The event”, according to scholars, “attributed to the connection of trust in the MEDIA, with the general confidence in the political system” . In fact, according to the research, “a sharp turn for the update from the internet and social networks, can be interpreted as partly the result of this gradual but worsening lack of confidence and perceived control of traditional MEDIA”.
The study, presented at an event held in ΕΣΗΕΜΘ, commissioned by the Institute of Reuters for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford the polling company YouGov, designed to reflect the habits of consumption of news on the internet in 50,000 people in 26 countries. The survey was conducted via web questionnaires, at the end of January/beginning of February 2016 and the sample in Greece amounted to 2.036 persons.
Most Greeks trust more the media than the journalists, stand recorded and in most of the countries in the sample. 16% of respondents in Greece, trusts the MEDIA, in contrast with 62% of respondents from Finland, 43% in Spain, 42% from the United Kingdom and 30% from The us.E.A. This percentage is the lowest in the 26 countries studied, even by countries that have suffered from the economic crisis. In addition, only 7% in Greece, 21% in the USA, 23% in Spain, 42% in the United Kingdom and 47% in Finland consider that the MEDIA are independent from undue political influences
This development, it is noted in the study partly confirms the shift that is recorded for the information to the internet and the dramatic decline of newspaper circulation and revenue of the channel as well, according to the survey, “they have lost the confidence of the public opinion”.
Commenting on the findings, the Secretary-General on Information and Communication Eleftherios Κρέτσος, featured an oxymoron the fact that the Greeks are interested in news which are looking at social media platforms while at the same time, they have lost their trust in journalists.
“The world “thirsty” for news but does not trust the traditional MEDIA”, he said.
According to the survey, Greek users are interested in the news to a considerable extent, as 66% indicates a very large or of great interest. The high interest in timeliness, combined with an increased frequency in the search for news via mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) that are the main devices for information.