Κουτσούμπας: The countermeasures of the government is a mockery

There is no chance of a solution for the benefit of the people with the policies of the current government, but also of the previous…
and with the adoption and implementation of the provisions of the policy.E., supported the c.c. the cc of the KKE Dimitris Κουτσούμπας, in an interview on SKAI.
To a question, reiterated that the proposal of the COMMUNIST party combined the output from the E.E. with a radical change in the economy and society.
He pointed out that a necessary step, for a solution to the benefit of the people, is the opening of the debate and awareness on the part of the labour-people’s movement, on the part of workers, that need people’s economy, with the socialization of the concentrated means of production and central scientific design and that there are possibilities to do this.
In reply to the comment on “convenient opposition” on the part of the COMMUNIST party of greece, stressed that it was never convenient the position of the Greek COMMUNIST party, stressing that the Greek COMMUNIST party is fighting the work places for the people to break the fatalism. He argued that the workplace, the criticism of the government and the bosses, can even lead to dismissal, while many forms of pressures exerted on the workers.
In terms of evaluation, mr Κουτσούμπας featured countermeasures “mockery,” adding that the KKE is not going to be complicit in the deception of the people, which is being undertaken by the quartet and the government, with the responsibility of the government which must be revealed. He also said that the COMMUNIST party always votes in the House and the slightest measure of relief to the workers.
He argued that there is no case of SYRIZA to give vent in the direction of building a new society, pointing out that the COMMUNIST party had warned of the impasse into which drove the policy of SYRIZA.
The question on participation of the Greek COMMUNIST party in a government with left-hand sign, as in Portugal, or with the government, AKEL in Cyprus, reported that the governance AKEL was not the best for a party of the left, while he noted that a mistaken policy doesn’t mean you have to generalise.
The position of the Greek COMMUNIST party for non-participation in any government in urban management has been confirmed, he stressed the c’s.c. the party, Called SYRIZA “classic urban party” to add that it was started by the opportunistic group that left the party today “are confusing still and personal”.
Referring to “others who appear today with the same (cues), supposedly αντιμνημονιακά, supposedly anti-european,” he said that they have huge responsibilities that supported SYRIZA, cultivating illusions to the people. He added that the same have illusions and contradictions in their policy.
Mr. Κουτσούμπας expressed concern about the developments in the Aegean, spoke about preparing the soil for greater intensity and noted that the λεονταρισμοί of the government, the λεονταρισμοί of the Greek bourgeoisie does not give a way out.
In terms of equipments, he said that they don’t always serve the defence of the country, but mainly relate to the needs of NATO while, in the end, he said that taking into account the overall situation in the wider region, if “involved in this and the D. Balkans, the situation is complicated”.