When moms don’t have to blame themselves

Being a mom is the hardest and most demanding job in the world and nobody can and can’t challenge this…
Is the job that has the most strict boss: ourselves that is constantly judging the image that he sees when looking at herself in the mirror. The guilt, however, does not lead anywhere and there is no reason to blame yourself when…
Why moms need to stop to blame themselves
You are on the road/ the shops/ the movies and the kid gets a panic attack
You have done everything to calm the child, but at the time it is in εξάλλω and don’t listen to anything you tell him. On the contrary, the answer is to hit/ crying/ screaming/ running away, or even to struck it to the floor. The looks of the passers-by testify to what you think the same: “what kind of mom is the one who can’t calm the child?”.
Unfortunately, sometimes in the sensitive ages of 2 to 4 years, the outbreaks that will work the child will be a lot of but things you can do to calm down, a few, or rather very little. And it is not certain that even these will be “caught”. You can take ideas in a previous article.
Accept that you are a storm that will pass and don’t mind the judgmental looks of passers-by – neither on critical thoughts.
Notice the “perfect” moms
Have a smile on my lips, their children, never misbehaving and always perfectly groomed. Obviously the marvel, secretly the envy. But, as he says, and a quote that circulates on the internet “there are No perfect moms, just some know how to hide their flaws better!”.
Leave the kid to see a little bit of extra hour of tv or play violent video games
Sometimes, the exhaustion of us wins. Can we arrange a perfect afternoon we spend hanging with the kids, but arriving at home, we’re exhausted. Then, you may leave to see a little more tv, play video games or to buy them the gun that we saw at the toy store – even if it’s violent – only, and only to grumble.
All we’ve done and will do it again. It’s bad enough to not be the norm.
Ordering food ready
The rhythms in the everyday life of a mom is such, that in a week may be resorted to more than one delivery even if this is against the mentality of “mommy” and nutritious food that will raise healthy children. And again, that doesn’t make us bad moms who don’t care about the health of their children. Makes us just tired of moms who sometimes resort to ready-made solutions. Nothing less, nothing more!
Let the child a little more than you need for the grandparents
“Mom, you gonna keep the kid till I get back from the supermarket?”, we have said quite a few times in our beloved mom, who is always willing to help us do our jobs more quickly (and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this!) . Along with the supermarket, however, can succumb to a little bit more, stare in shop windows or in a simple walk so we need to get away.
Do you realize that you do not apply a specific method of discipline
One day can make all the favors for either not calling or because you have a lot of good mood, the next can you tell him constantly “no” because you understand that you are very flexible together. And when you read articles in education that tell you that you are sending the wrong messages to the child, “πελαγώνετε”, you question your skills and blame even more yourself.
You think you work too much, or that you don’t work at all
In the first case you have remorse because you spend many hours outside the home, in the second case, why don’t you contribute financially to the family fund. Stop αυτομαστιγώνεστε and just enjoy the positive of every situation.
Of course, none of this should be the rule or the right, but is it normal to occur during times of small “errors” on our part. Then, don’t doubt whether you are good moms. That are in greatest need of children is to show them your love, your way!