Forget about the hygge, the lagom is the new nordic philosophy that wants to change our lives

Although you probably don’t know what it is yet, lagom is going to become the new nordic philosophy of life which will get everyone’s obsession with the 2017…
Perhaps you will remember the hygge, that “something” that supposedly makes the Danes the happiest people in the world and is the Danish perception of warmth, of αναπαυτικού, safe, comfortable, relaxing, enjoyable. Think of you on your couch, sheets, covered with a warm blanket, just to relax with a cup of coffee. Or to do things that you enjoy, like eating a piece of chocolate cake, playing a game with family and friends or take a stroll in the countryside without a care about anything else. It sounds really wonderful, right? And indeed it is.
This year, however, as it seems everything has to do with the measure, at least in Sweden, where the new trend is lagom. The word that translates essentially as “neither more nor less, exactly as it should” and it means that someone will have to adopt a more balanced and ολιγαρκή stand in his life. So… recycle, to conserve, to live healthy and a lot more right, but kind of boring stuff.
The truth is that the hygge sounded exactly as it should look like happiness, but if we really want the new year to change, first ourselves and then the world, maybe we should get some examples from lagom.
No one said that the one exists without the other!
So here’s a few things you can try, if you want to “embrace” the new philosophy of life.
1. Do not drink alcohol in January
After the wrongs of the holiday, a little rehab might be a good idea. Besides, it will help you to do and economy.
2. Get organized financially
Record your income and expenses -yes, your dad would be very happy. Came after all the time you’ll get organization to your finances, something which will help you to save.
3. Organize your fridge and plan your meals
Turn late from work, your fridge is empty and thus “forced” to order from outside? Time to put an end to this. Plan your meals per week, make a list and then shop.
4. Take a shower instead of a bath
A hot bath might be just what you need after a hard day, but 2017 is the year that we need to think more ecologically.
5. Use sparingly the dryer
Click to save on electricity and don’t use it so often. Besides, this will make a good and… your towels, since it will remain fluffy.
6. Turn down the heating at night
It’s definitely not easy at all when it’s so cold, but apart from the economy will do good to you, since I’m pretty sure it’s not healthy to sleep in a too warm space.