The organization calls on jihadists to αιματοκυλήσουν the holidays of the christians

To launch…
attacks on targets such as markets and hospitals in Europe, during the holidays, urges supporters of the organization affiliated to the Islamic State, while inviting muslims to keep their distance from the festivities of christians.
The threat became known and the authorities in Europe have reinforced the security measures after the attack in Berlin with a dozen dead.
The Foundation Media Nashir, which supports the Islamic State, posted a message on the internet along with pictures of militants with guns and knives, santa Claus, reindeer and a christmas tree, according to the observatory of armed groups on the internet SITE Intelligence Group, based in the United States.
“The celebrations, the gatherings, the clubs, the shopping, the theaters, the cinemas, shopping centers, and even hospitals are all perfect targets for you,” he wrote in his message to the islamists that they are acting individually in Europe.
The foundation reported that the Islamic State will “replace the fireworks (of εορταζόντων) with an explosive belt and explosive devices, and will change the songs and claps their weeping and mourning”.
The message reminded supporters of the Islamic State’s call in early December from the new representative of Abu al Hasan al Μουχάζερ, who said they would have to attack also, and in Turkish embassies and consulates.