5 daily habits that cause a drop in breast

The passage of the years, but some habits in your everyday life contribute to the loss of elasticity of collagen, the connective tissue that lies under the skin – leaving your breasts less perky than she used to be.
Although heredity has an important role, some of the habits that seem to have nothing to do with the downward motion of your breasts can enhance it.
Taking into account the recent research of the UCLA in accordance with which the tissue of the breast is getting older in 2 to 3 years faster than that of the rest of the body, you will probably want to stop some of the habits that follow:
1. You do quick diets
The loss and recovery of two or three kg is not causing a big problem. But the significant change of the indication on the scale, acquiring, and often losing 10 pounds can relax the tissue of your breasts, as it happens in an old pair of tights, according to Michael Edwards, MD, breast surgeon and president of the American society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
2. Smoke
Even the chest can not avoid the damage that smoking is doing to your body. “Any amount of smoking weakens and ages skin by decreasing the blood supply to the surface of the skin,” says Edwards.
3. Don’t you put on sunscreen
“The report of your face to uv rays without a protective coating of sunscreen can lead to premature wrinkles and has the same effect on the “hang” of the breast, extending much collagen and causing skin damage,” notes Edwards.
4. You’re wearing a bra that doesn’t support enough of your chest
Whether it’s an old bra that is loose, or what you’re wearing to the gym, the bad support is a very important reason for the fall of the breast, the more it jumps up and down, the more it is stretched the collagen and skin.
The best thing you can do is a visit to a proper lingerie shop so that an experienced salesperson to recommend a bra that is ideal for your size, for you to have the best support.
5. Are you doing hard exercises in the gym
Although for now the investigation is inadequate, some scientists argue that the repetitive motion back and forth that you do when running or when doing a similar exercise, can lead to a drop in the collagen of the breast.