DISCLOSURE: This secret he’s hiding the ‘evil widow’ – Who really killed the 42-year-old captain?

The murder that has rocked the Greek in December 2014 in the Valley of Argolida has a lot of blood, lies and guilty secrets. The agonizing effort of 37χρονης “evil widow” Dimitra Voulgari, from the…
show “Light in the Tunnel” of the Angelic della reese found the killer or killers of the unfortunate 42-year old Thanassis Labrou hides a lot of sins.
What really happened in the villa of the “orgy” at noon of the 8th of December of 2014?
If Dimitra Voulgari, confessed or not, if he admitted the crime and that’s really the only slayer of Thanassis Labrou, there is something troubling in the last few months very strongly to the competent Authorities.
Thanasis Lambrou was forced to abandon the barque of shrimp trawlers in Madagascar and to be installed permanently in the Valley for “the defense of male honor”. The village βοούσε for some aspects of the personal life of Demetra Voulgaris before the heinous crime. Just returned Thanasis Lambrou, the first thing he did was to seek out a specific person, someone 19-year-old, which he regarded as the lover of his wife. When he came face to face with him, Thanasis tried to contain himself, but he drifted into a wild fight, which stopped only when intervened some more calm. If the violence has achieved something, the thought, crazy as he’s acting now the very Voulgaris has said, “he turned to revenge” with behavior similar to that which he had heard that he had his wife.

Jealousy, however, beyond all logic, it was this that connected the pair of Life – even if their break with constant, terrifying intensity of fights. As soon as Demeter was convinced that her husband had ceased to be a credit to the crown, let him envy to explode, developing an obsession with the cell phone Thanasis, around which were normal hostilities. “He always had with him. In his pants, under his pillow, right up until the underwear was hiding the cell phone for not find it,” claims Dimitra Voulgari in apology. He adds, that it “was always going out, he lavished money on booze and women, and on foreign prostitutes. I couldn’t stand it.”

Despite the morbidity, which was rolling down the 12 years of marriage, the night before the murder was dedicated to the carnal passion that, somehow, never missed among them – and even though there was, at least in terms of Thanasis, a particular plus third person: it was a stunning, charming woman, with σταχτόξανθα hair and eyes in a very strange shade of blue. Some say he worked with on the ship known fry shipping families, where Thanasis offered his services as a master. It is very likely that the captain, in the face of this unknown woman, he had found the love she had experienced so badly in the case of the marriage of Demeter.
The fatal μεσημέριΟ 42χρονος captain was looking for his wife, which didn’t answer the phone. The information says that the last time the City had good relations with the friend who gave the villa of orgies in the Valley. However, that afternoon, having the keys of the villa in his pocket and after he couldn’t get a response to phone calls from his wife, went to the villa to see if it was there.
The fatal move and the shock of what αντίκρισεΟ unlucky captain opening the door of the villa he saw everything that circulated as a rumor and made him stop to do barco. Found the 37χρονη in sex with a young man in the villa of his friend. The shock, both for himself and for the 37χρονη that she was sure that she wouldn’t go there because of bad relations with his friend and owner of the house was great.
After a really awesome fight, the evil widow gave the order for her lover to kill the 42-year-old captain. The real killer is out of prison. Dimitra Voulgari, as shown by the latest developments, is the instigator of the savage crime, of the Valley of Argolis. This is of concern to the Authorities is why the same is not “giving” the killer and what he’s afraid and can’t tell the reality.