Graduates of social science at the Panteion University of athens

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences – athens university of economics and in accordance with the 23/11/2016 Decision of the Management Committee of the Special Account for the…
implementation of the project “Practical training, Panteion University” implemented under the Operational Programme “DEVELOPMENT ΑΝΘΩΠΙΝΟΥ RESOURCES, EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING” PRIORITY AXES 7,8, WHO ΣΥΓΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΟΥΝΤΑΙ FROM THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND (ESF) WITH TITLE “Internship for Higher Education” and code MIS 5000615, it intends to employ under contract to skilled staff (2 people) to 31-10-2017 with the possibility of renewal until the end of the programme.
Necessary qualifications:
– Bachelor’s degree from AEI in the Social Sciences: (in a Greek University or an equivalent foreign University recognized by the board.The.A.T.A.P)
– Postgraduate degree annual at least of study in the Social Sciences.
– Good knowledge of the English language.
– Ability to use Computer and web applications
– Proven 4 years of experience in management of co-financed and european projects – projects in an environment ELKE
For more information applicants can contact by telephone in the Secretariat of the research committee in the 210-9201514 from Monday to Friday and from 09.00 – 15.00.