In Agrinio the NON – ’ pan-orthodox Conference representatives for issues of Sects and Παραθρησκείας

The Holy Metropolis of Etolia and Akarnania to announce that from Monday 31 October to Wednesday 2 November 2016 will host in Agrinio and in the hall…
the Παπαστρατείου concert Hall, a Fitness Company, the “NON -‘ pan-orthodox Conference of representatives of Orthodox Churches and Holy Dioceses by issues of Sects and Παραθρησκείας”.
The Conference with the special pan-orthodox appeal, in so far as it deals with contemporary issues of diverse planer, organized, like every year, the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece with the responsibility of the Synodal Commission on Heresies, while under the auspices of the Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all Greece mr. Christodoulos.
The general theme is: “Heretical and occult concepts of man and human rights”.
The holy Water for the start of work of the Conference will be today, Monday October 31 at 5:00 in the afternoon.
It should be noted that at the individual meetings will involve strictly representatives of the Orthodox Αυτοκεφάλων Churches and Holy Dioceses of the Church of Greece, Crete and the Dodecanese.