Make your own magic cleaner with just $ 0.10 cents

Until recently when you wanted to clean quickly and efficiently any persistent stain in your home…
you were asking for help from known chemicals in commercial detergents.
The cleaners that are definitely expensive may indeed be doing their job properly, however, you spend a fortune until you clean it properly and once and for all the stain!
If you’re tired of wasting your money left and right, you have to make your own magic cleaner!
What you will need is a sponge. Also what you will definitely need is a solution that on your own will make.
Heat up some water for a single sponge, and then add 1 tbsp. baking soda. Also add 1 tsp. boric acid.
Place the sponge in the bowl and let it absorb the mixture of water, soda and boric acid. Then drain the sponge to leave the unnecessary and start rubbing.
The results are impressive and certainly will make the stains to go “for a walk”.