The trick to remove ring stuck in finger [video]

Many times, in cases of injury to the hand that reach down to the Emergency room of a…
hospital, doctors need to remove the rings from the fingers of the patient, in order to do their job.
What happens, however, when the ring is “stuck” in the finger? What happens when patients beg their doctors not to cut the rings to remove it, because, as objects, they mean a lot to them and they don’t want to be destroyed?
Even the slightest edema (swelling) of the finger prevents the ring to come out. But such a problem may have happened to you, when you just want to remove the rings, which you wear and you can’t.
In the video below, a doctor, a surgeon and two doctors, interns in a hospital. Britain, we reveal the trick that make the doctors in the hospitals, in order to remove the ring that is “stuck” in the finger of a patient.
Everything starts with a… an oxygen mask!