I don’T KNOW – we have It in our balcony, and we don’t know that it heals up and…

One of the healthiest things you could ever…
wish is a pad loaded with sheets of ferns, believe it or not.
Have you heard about the fern?
Fleas, bedbugs and lice just don’t tolerate the fern and ”running” away from her. The fern removes the worms, and destroys even the movie (κεστωειδής earworm).
And has a lot of healthy benefits, some of them are mentioned below:
The root of fern removes the unpleasant pain in the calves, and therefore you have to have it next to the sheets. Bathrooms with leaves and roots of fern curing the gout, rheumatism, and even gangrene.
Fresh fern the pad cure for hearing loss.
Fresh fern leaves tied on the forehead and the eyes, clear vision and stop the flickering of the eyelids.
Mounting a dry fern in the shoes decreases the fatigue and warms the heart.
The pain in the middle to heal rapidly with bundles of fresh feathers tied in the affected country. For some time the pain will become even stronger (a sign that the treatment is working), but soon it will disappear!
Sick people should drink tea from ferns on an empty stomach and those who drink it should remain so for another two hours. The treatment should be continued for about eight days until all the parasites die or leave.