In Lemnos and Agios Efstratios, the Archbishop of Athens, Hieronymus!

After invitation, the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece and President of the Holy Synod …
Hierarchy K.k. Jerome probably will attend the celebrations of the 28 of October on the island of Lemnos.
In accordance with information of the LimnosReport, the invitation was made by Alderman mrs. Kalogirou and the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Mr. k. Jerome, you probably accepted the invitation, and on 27 October will attend in Agios Efstratios and 28 October in Limnos for the celebrations of the anniversary of October 28
We therefore expect the official announcement of the visit.
Of course reason of the political and military developments, the design of the program can be reversed at any time
It seems that October will be a month of distinguished arrivals in the island of Lemnos and Agios Efstratios.
The President of the Republic, mr Pavlopoulos, October 8, at the island of Lemnos!
After the invitation, the President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos will attend the celebrations of the October 8, for the Liberation of Lemnos.
In accordance with information of the LimnosReport, the invitation was made by the Mayor, mr. Dimitris Marinakis, which according to the same information accepted by the President.
I don’t know the exact program of the visit of the President of the Republic mr Prokopis Pavlopoulos, but we’ll be back with newer information.
Bear in mind that mr Pavlopoulos together with the Minister of National Defence mr. Panos kammenos, Easter 2015, had visited the island of Lemnos in a ceremonial visit.