Shake for breakfast, mid-autumn Saturday

Praline with cinnamon…
Time required: 8 λεπτάΒαθμός of difficulty (1 – 5): 1 – Very Easy
For 1 person
2 teaspoons of sweet sugar (optional)Whipped cream for γαρνίρισμα1 cup γάλα2 level tablespoons of praline φουντουκιούΛίγη cinnamon for garnish Execution
Pour the milk in a small saucepan, add the hazelnut praline and put the pan over medium heat.
Stir with a wire whisk until to dissolve the praline for 8 minutes, until all the milk chocolate. Once hot, remove from heat and pour into a mug and add the sugar.
Serve with whipped cream and cinnamon.