“Only the Democratic Coalition revealed the fraud behind the guise of public health”

“After the intense protest and the spikes to the government majority came from the Democratic Coalition (PASOK and DIMAR) at the initiative of the… Odysseas Konstantinopoulos, Member of Arcadia and the head of the field Development.The., it was withdrawn overnight the amendment, 16 Members of the SYRIZA intended to exclude from the sale of tobacco products to 32,000 small businesses (small convenience stores), on the pretext of so-called “the protection of public health and especially the health of minors”, while it gave the right to be sold in supermarkets food – super market. This amendment would result in a closure of over 32,000 convenience stores.
So if the Government wants to apply the legitimacy, let’s proceed again to the effective implementation of the law on the prohibition of smoking in enclosed public places, protecting those who should not or do not want to be exposed to passive smoking. Let’s care to strengthen by all available means the anti-smoking campaign in schools and places of entertainment of young people. Let’s enhance the culture of sport, a healthy diet, a balanced lifestyle through the educational process. Now it seems clear that SYRIZA supports with passion the monopolies and supermarkets food – super market.”