See the most tiny four-year-old! When he was born he was smaller than a doll

Sophia Hecimovic from Sydney, Australia, has a height of just 87 cm, at the time that girls her age have an average height of 103 cm…
The mother of little Sophia, Effie Panayiotou, is of Greek origin, and speaks to the Mirror about her little daughter. Little Sophia when she was born she was smaller than a doll, and the development progressed very slowly. Although the paradox is that the growth hormones don’t have any problem, the growth becomes extremely slow, a fact that puzzles the doctors. As mentioned, the mother, when Sophia was born, he put her next to a doll that had been brought in and was less.
“People are surprised when they see her and they learn her age because it’s so small, physically”.
The development, in addition to height and weight is normal like the rest of the girls. “It’s like all four year-olds only, which is much less” ends the Effie Panayiotou.
At the age of one year, he was diagnosed with Syndrome Robinow, a rare genetic disorder that affects bone development. Her mother confesses that she is relieved now that he knows at least what he has. With the physical therapy, the little one managed to slowly move. When he was 17 months he started to crawl and at the age of one year started talking.
At the age of 2 years old, the family learned that eventually the little Sophia has autism and not the syndrome Robinow, as well as people with this syndrome usually have a larger head in relation to the body.
And somehow, the family was once again in the zero to search for answers for what exactly is going on with the miniature of their daughter, and the development of difficulties.
“Is social, loves swimming and ballet, dancing and likes to sing Taylor Swift and Whitney Houston. It’s like all the kids her age, it’s just much smaller,” says the mom of the paper.