Kids paint for refugees

Drawing competition with the theme refugees, with the participation of students and …
students of Primary and Secondary Education schools of Attica, organised by the Museum of School Life and of Education, in cooperation with the Journalists ‘ Union of Periodical and Electronic Press (ΕΣΠΗΤ).
On Wednesday, June 1, at 7 p.m., was inaugurated in the Hall of the Museum (Tripods 23, Plate) the report of the children’s works of art.
The main purpose is public awareness and the concentration of basic necessities for the refugees. In this context, the works of children will be used and will be donated to the concentration of basic necessities for the refugees.
Themes were set for the projects were:
War and peace
What separates us and what unites us
Feelings of refugees
I care about you
My friend, a refugee
The rights of refugees
The works of the children exceeded all expectations and are truly works of art, which prove that in many matters children see better than adults.
Crisis committee: Chairperson, Calliope Κύρδη, Responsible for Cultural Affairs N/ΝΣΗΣ A/ΘΜΙΑΣ SSP/IO D’ ATHENS
Dr. Evangelia Κανταρτζή, President of the Museum of School Life and Education
Kostas Στοφόρος, journalist -author/ member of the BOARD ΕΣΠΗΤ
