The following you don’t have to eat ever before you go to bed

We all know that it’s not good to fall asleep with a full stomach but after a day long it is reasonable to hungry…
Our digestive system however, and hungry are scheduled to be live specific foods at specific hours. Also, the meal before we sleep, except that the expense of the quality of sleep, έπιβαρυνει and the heart, except, of course, is extremely παχυντικη habit, So it is better if you must eat late, eat something light and to avoid in any way the following:
1) Chocolate or coffee
All the chocolates and, in particular, the black, like coffee, contain caffeine, which works as a stimulant that improves mental alertness, reduces fatigue, and speeds up your metabolic rate, so that we don’t want before you go to bed.
2) Spicy foods
The body to digest the spicy food needs extra effort which is difficult to make during sleep, because digestion slows down during sleep.The consumption of spicy food before bedtime will cause you to wake up several times during the night.
3) Fatty
Pizzas, hamburgers, French fries and other bad fats are the worst before bed. Proven,according to studies, reduce the quality of sleep.
4) Red meat
Due to the protein because the body finds it difficult to break through it. Eating foods rich in protein before bedtime, επιβαρυνουμε our digestive system. Also the foods rich in protein contain tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates the brain and keeps us alert.
5) Vegetables and Fruits
While in general they do good, it is better to avoid them before bedtime. Several of these, such as cauliflower and broccoli contain tryptophan, the same amino acid found in protein and on the one hand, it affects the good quality of sleep and the other part is indigestible.
6) junk food
Junk food has been linked anyway with the weight gain and obesity. If you eat in the evening, it is even more likely to get weight than any other time of the day.
7) Alcohol
Drinking in the evening doesn’t mean that will help you fall asleep faster and The sleep that will cause , not resting after the night’s sleep will be every other than quality.
8) Sweet
Sugar is the one that causes your toes and fills us with energy, something that we definitely don’t want before bed. Besides,let’s not forget that the sweets is especially fattening!