A team of researchers predict which new ones will be in the future susceptible to alcohol

An international team of researchers found that it is possible to predict which young people will engage in future binge alcohol abuse (binge drinking).
The study published in the journal Nature states, inter alia, that factors such as previous experiences, the personality and the structure of the brain largely determine whether a young man will consume in the future large amounts of alcohol.
Based on the data of the european study, IMAGEN, researchers from King’s College London have designed a model that includes 40 different risk factors for substance abuse among young people. Some of the factors is the personality, the genes, the structure of the brain and the demographics.
The objective was to find a model predictor for the risky behavior of teenagers, specifically in terms of binge alcohol abuse.
Research data involving more than 2,000 teenagers from England, Ireland, France and Germany. The initial age of the participants was 14 years, and the data covered a period of two years.
The analyses showed that it was possible to predict which young people will express their tendencies to abuse alcohol, based on the studied risk factors. The negative experiences of life, was one of the main factors that seemed to influence their teenagers to the habit of this.