A new twist in the case of Vangelis Giakoumaki: Who accused of breach of duty?

A new twist to the case of Vangelis Giakoumaki, as well as writing…
the Nation Sunday in a trial for πλημμεληματικές charges of dereliction of duty shall be referred to the then-director of the Dairy School of Ioannina, of the Outbreak, but also the former mp of Chania, and minister for SW, Christos Markogiannakis.
The responsible of the school and the dorm are, allegedly, “threw in the soft” one of the gang of students who have caused damage in the school and in accordance with the decree of the Council of the court of Appeal of Ioannina, was preceded by a phone call-speech by Christos Markogiannaki.
As stated in an article in the newspaper ethnos tis Kyriakis, the former member is treated as an instigator of the specific breach of duty, and a still, as it refers to that in his speech, was given the opportunity to stay with two other students, in addition to that for which he made the phone call, for two school years free in the dormitory of the School Milk as interns, although they had not such a right.
The assistance of Christos Markogiannaki not associated with the torture at the expense of Vangelis Giakoumaki, nor suggest that intervened in this part of the case. But in the voluminous briefs of the particular case, it appears from witness statements, that three students were among the company of Cretans, who made haze for a long time Vangelis.
Yes, the ex-minister had admitted, then the phone call to the principal of the School, which happened 8 months before the disappearance of Vangelis, by reason for a human action in any time which has nothing to do with bullying or torture and attributed the act to a simple attempt to not get expelled from the school for a child of low economic potential.
Indeed he had been a feature of the criminal prosecution brought against him by the prosecutor in Ioannina for the case of Vangelis Giakoumaki as a “χοντροειδώς methodical political persecution”.
However, the Council of the court of Appeal of Ioannina refers Christos Markogiannaki to trial considering the moral perpetrator for the eve of the three students in the dormitory of the Dairy School, had been expelled from the beginning of their studies, since they did not meet the conditions to live there.
One piece of instigation, according to the ruling, is that the former member, wanting to bring a illegal benefit to the three students who came from the island of Crete, where he was elected member of parliament since 1989, secured their stay in the dorm, while not entitled to be interns, with damage to the Public, after you have incurred with the housing, diet and education.
The other part of the inciting terms of reference of the three young at a Disciplinary hearing in May 2014 for damage caused in communal areas of the school, engraving the names of their villages on the walls of the hearth. Through τοδικόγραφο-fire, resulting in the interference of a former member in the days prior to the meeting of the Disciplinary, June 2014