These things happen in Turkey: Arrested businessmen why they bankrolled… opponent of Erdogan!

The Turkish police have now proceeded to the arrest of well-known entrepreneurs…
with the category of funding of the group of the cleric Φετουλάχ Γκιουλέν which is considered a key rival of president Erdogan, according to the news agency Dogan news.
The police arrested the ceo of the company Boydak Holding Μεμντούχ Μποϊντάκ, the chairman of the group Haji Μποϊντάκ, and two members of the board of directors, while investigations are still ongoing in the company. None of the company, which has its headquarters in the city Κάισερι of Central Turkey have not been able to comment directly on the developments.
Erdogan has taken drastic measures against supporters of the former ally of the Γκιουλέν, after the movements of the police, but the court characterized as a kiss in affinity to the Γκιουλέν to trigger investigation for corruption in the personal circle of people of Erdogan, the 2013.
The Μεμντούχ Μποϊντάκ had previously been arrested in September in an operation against the supporters of the Γκιουλέν. During that period the judicial authorities have ratified a sentence of imprisonment of more than 34 years in the Γκιουλέν, who lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, USA, since 1999. In the crosshairs of the business of the police authorities found business groups associated with the Γκιουλέν, as media companies and publishing houses such as, the groups of Koza Ipek Holding and Kaynak Holding.
O Erdogan argues that the Γκιουλέν in controlling the “parallel state structures,” at the various levels of the judiciary, the police, the media, and education. Government officials of Turkey have previously accused the supporters of the Γκιουλέν that have links with the guerrillas of the Kurdish Workers ‘ Party (PKK).