“Upgrading School Λιμενοφυλάκων”

In the context of the work of parliamentary control in the Member of the Thessaloniki Elena Rapti filed a question to the Minister of Marine & Island Policy with the theme “Upgrade of School Λιμενοφυλάκων”.
The Elena Rapti asks the Minister:
“You can promote this amendment to filling the void of law and at the same time restoring the unequal treatment to the detriment of the graduates of the School of Λιμενοφυλάκων”it?
Below is the full text of the question.
Thessaloniki, 1 March 2016
From the Press Office
To the Minister of Marine & Island Policy
TOPIC: “Upgrade of School Λιμενοφυλάκων”
Despite the fact that the school Λιμενοφυλάκων is a productive school personnel in the Coast guard (HCG-ΕΛΑΚΤ), is not part of any level of education. This creates the paradox is the only military academy that does not belong to any level of education, at the same time that the corresponding productive faculties, such as thinking about the police Academy in EL.NES and the School of Firemen of the Fire Academy they belong in the upper tier of higher education.
As you know the executives, who have graduated from the school of higher education, can be classified into schools, UNIVERSITIES and technical colleges with a qualifying exam in order to acquire additional knowledge in other scientific fields, which will benefit both their own as well as the Service. But something that may not happen for the graduates of the school of Λιμενοφυλάκων.
Because it’s rather obvious the legislative gap on this issue, which creates the issue of equal treatment between personnel of the Security forces and the Armed Forces, could promote a modification of paragraph 8 of article 17 of the PRESIDENTIAL decree 81 (GAZETTE 139-A/2012) which provides that: “The time of studies at the School of Λιμενοφυλάκων, which belongs in the upper tier of higher education…” .
Based on the above,
Ερωτάσθε Minister:
You can promote this amendment to filling the void of law and at the same time restoring the unequal treatment to the detriment of the graduates of the School of Λιμενοφυλάκων it?
Thessaloniki, 29 February 2016
Reference number: 3555/29.02.2016
The Contacting Member
The Ms .. Elena Rapti