Olof Palme: The lighthouse that remains of lime…

February 28, 1986, at midnight Friday. That day, at that time was the headlights of a film to put out to drop shadow in a country, with the…
similar interactions in the european and global political scene.
It was the night that the clock of the world rang in mourning after the murder of an iconic politician, the prime minister of Sweden Sven Olof Γιοαχίμ Palme, outside of a movie theater in the back of the home with his wife Lisbeth.
Thirty just years after the murder of a world-class political leader, the historical, or legal research not has shed light on the murder case, however, the political school established on the basis of ideas, values and visions have been enlightened fully. This, not, continues as lime a beacon to illuminate the streets of the world peace, social development, equality and justice.
Honoring the action and the offer of the great Swedish leader, who has evolved and established itself as a global political form-symbol, the municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon organizes a special event-a tribute to Olof Palme, aspiring to bring out even more of the extensive work that continues to exist as a point of reference of modern political thought and synergy. And what was established as the “Swedish model” obtains at the time of our particular attention, and not only at the level of symbolism, which will be discussed and emerged through the specific reports and views.
The event will be held tomorrow, Monday February 29, 2016, at 6.30 pm.m. the Closed Municipal Theater of Sykies (Riga Feraiou and Megara). The keynote speaker will be the journalist and writer George Logothetis, who will present his books “Olof Palme: The policy is a matter of principle” and “Swedish mayor”, with the discussion to be coordinated by the journalist Stavros Τζήμας.
The event will be viewed and the video “The Palme talks about the political positions”, “Mikis Theodorakis speaks about the Palme” and “The Local Government in Greece and Sweden, while the programme framed by the chorus of the KAPI Pine with a string accompaniment under the direction of Christos Στόικου.