That’s why Greece may be out of euro…

“The Άγκελα Merkel might take the refugee crisis..
temporarily in Greece, with the closure of the country’s borders with Fyrom and Bulgaria, to limit the influx of refugees in Germany”, points out the american network CNBC
“The thousands of refugees arriving daily in Greece are increasing the pressure experienced by the country, which is facing problems, such as a “stagnant” economy, increase of social tensions and political pressure, factors that could lead out of the zone of the euro”, stressed the Monday political analysts of the Eurasia Group ( the largest international consulting firm for political campaigns), the american network CNBC.
Political analysts have argued that Europe is faced with a large influx of refugees from Syria, who are trying to escape from the civil war, however, Greece, like Turkey, has shouldered the biggest part of the problem, and for this reason the European leaders agreed to give to Turkey the amount of eur 3 billion. euro in order to limit, as far as possible, the number of refugees.
However, as reported Monday, the analysts of Eurasia Group, Greece has the largest weight for the restriction of refugees traveling to northern Europe. The Mujtaba Rahman, Naz Masraff, and James Sawyer from the Eurasia Group have highlighted that they consider that the agreement of the Europeans with Turkey will not yield and the German chancellor Άγκελα Merkel will choose to transfer temporarily the problem in Greece, with a view to avoid further influx of refugees in the country.
So, according to the analysts of the Eurasia Group, will close the border between Greece and Skopje and, where appropriate, and the borders of Greece with Bulgaria. If that happens, the results to the country would be dangerous from a social and economic point of view, creating social unrest and instability, which could lead Greece out of the euro zone.
The same political analysts have not failed to note that the government of Alexis Tsipras has sign “reluctantly” a third bailout agreement with international lenders of the country since last summer and is facing a new round of tough checks on their behalf.
“If “sealed off” the borders with Skopje, this will strengthen the anti-european and nationalist sentiment in Greece and the holding of early elections cannot be ruled out,” stressed the political analysts on the network CNBC.
The american network points out that the country only from 28 January 2016 to 3 February accepted 16.723 immigrants and refugees and now it has to prove that it complies with the European Union recommendations for the improvement of border management with the construction of five “hotspots” and two centres of migration (relocation centers).