Recruitment Of 45 Deputies Of Teachers

Recruitment of 45 Deputy Educational industry ΠΕ70-Teachers in the… context of the implementation of the Operations “NEW SCHOOL: Integration of vulnerable social groups (EKO) in Primary Schools – ΑΠ1, ΑΠ2, and ΑΠ3”.E. “Education and Lifelong Learning” for the academic year 2015-2016.
The Ministry of Education, Research and church affairs announces that for the school year 2015-2016 are hired as temporary substitutes 45 teachers in the industry ΠΕ70-Teachers exclusively in Reception Classes of primary schools in Zones of Educational Priority (ZEP) in the context of implementation of the above Acts NSRF.
The προσλαμβανόμενοι are required to be presented in the Addresses of Primary Education recruitment for duty from Thursday 4 to Friday 5 February 2016 and will be placed with a decision of the Director of Education in the vacancies of the above schools in the area that were recruited until the end of the academic year.
The tables with the names of the intake is posted on the website of the Ministry of