ΚΕΕΡΦΑ: Start the events at the fence: a Tragedy in the Aegean sea, drowned women and children – all in Evros

New double tragedy in the Aegean sea… More than 20 drowned, among them many children and women. Fortress Europe and closed borders cost daily human lives.
In the final stage are the preparations of the demonstrators, who flooded the streets of Alexandroupoli, on 23 and 24 January, demanding open borders, in order to put an end to the illusions of the Aegean sea of small Αϊλάν.
Is an international uprising against le pen and the fascist parties of Europe and the policies of Hollande and Merkel, who are leading the way! Marching in Istanbul on 23 January and meet on both sides of the border, in the Gardens of the Ebro, on 24/1. Protest on 23 January in Calais France, in the “jungle” of shame! The fascists are threatening to prevent the mobilisation of this. In Evros, will be heard loud voice of protest of workers and youth for the lethal barrier of the fence in Evros, which closes the passage of the evacuees from the wars and famine, refugees and migrants.
The programme of events
ATHENS, Departure by train from Larissis Station, Friday 22/1, Concentration to 10 pm
THESSALONIKI, railway STATION OSE, Thursday 23/1, 8am, departure by coach
XANTHI, LABOUR CENTRE, Thursday 23/1, 11am, departure by coach
KOMOTINI, SWORD, 12μες, departure by coach
GIANNINA, SQUARE PREFECTURE, Saturday 23/1, 4: 30 a.m., departure by coach
PATRA, SQUARE ΟΛΓΑΣ-LABOUR CENTRE, Friday 22/1, 11pm, departure by coach
VOLOS, town HALL, Saturday 23/1, 2am, departure by coach for Larissa and boarding the train
CHANIA AIRPORT, Friday 22/1, 3pm
RETHYMNO (crete), railway STATION BUS station, Thursday 21/1, 7pm
HERAKLION, PORT, Thursday 21/1, 8pm
The arrivals in Alexandroupolis is expected at 1pm
Hot food from a Social Kitchen ‘The other man’ in the space Station of the OSE to 1pm
Saturday 23 January
Concentration-course Alexandroupolis, city Hall, 3pm
Victory Argyris, ΚΕΕΡΦΑ, George Μποτσίδης, member of the BOARD of the Labour Centre of Evros, Pantazidis Costas, Alexandroupolis, Karageorgiou Sakis, chairman ΕΛΜΕ Alexandroupolis
Main Event
Municipal Theatre of Alexandroupolis, 6pm
Γουέιμαν Bennett, Stand Up Against Racism and United Against
Fascism Britain
Emin Shakir, anti-racist platform from Turkey
George Τσιάκαλος, university
Petros Constantinou, coordinator of ΚΕΕΡΦΑ, alderman
Effie Λατσούδη, the village of “all together”, Mytilene, greece
Kalomoiris Grigoris, the EU of ADEDY
Nadder Χαλμπούνι, Association of Expatriate Syrians in Greece
Τζεμαλή Μηλιαζήμ, teacher, Texas
Kostas Καταραχιάς, president of the Association of Workers
Hospital ” Ag. Savvas, Leah Δαμιανάκη, member of the BOARD ΕΛΜΕ Xanthi,
Antonis Ρέλλας, director, Movement for Emancipation of volumes with
Disability Zero Tolerance, Constantine Πολυχρονόπουλος, Social kitchen “the other man”.
Coordinate: Zaneta Λυσικάτου, a resident doctor, Kiki Yannatou, member of the BOARD of OLME
Jump to the Space Overnight accommodation, hot food from the
Social Kitchen “The other man” at 10pm.
Sunday January 24,
Path to the fence – a Concentration in Orestiada
Central square 12μες and course. Path to the fence. Βύσσα-Chestnut, 1.30 pm.
Path in the Gardens of the Ebro, 11 am.
Concentration at the Office. Greetings.
Passage of the border by a delegation and a joint press conference with movements from Turkey.
Protesters return to Alexandroupolis, at 5pm.
Hot food from a Social Kitchen “The other man” in the
1pm at the space Station of the OSE
Announcements from the ΚΕΕΡΦΑ
At 6pm departure from station of Alexandroupolis.
Return to Athens at 6am