This is the answer of the Βαλλιανάτου in Βούλτεψη for the kissing in the House!

Furore has been caused after the statements of the member…
the New Republic Wisdom Βούλτεψη that “lovers who kiss in the public gallery of the House had to be arrested”.
“I was consciously absent. In the gallery of the House if it goes a couple, a man and a woman and start kissing or holding hands or applauding the capture of the garrison commander. Here there is no longer discrimination against us. I saw yes, I saw you kissing and I left. I have heard the rapporteur, heard all the rapporteurs, some things have their limits,” said mrs. Βούλτεψη and tried so to explain her absence from the vote.
However, the well-known lawyer, who, along with his partner was one of the two couples kissed, after the adoption of the pact of cohabitation speaking at the Un,” said: “I Would like to say to the lady Βούλτεψη that I’m not willing to apologize for a kiss. She should apologize because the government, διέσυρε the country with the law on registered partnership, which excludes a large portion of the citizens. It’s Christmas time and the lady Βούλτεψη should be ashamed that Greece in the past was a homophobic country, and rejoice that in the absence of the Greece moves on”.
And added: “I am Called now to apologize for a kiss that was at 2:30 in the morning, after an exhausting day, and after 30 years of struggle for this category of people who have the right to love each other and kiss each other”.