6.4-degree Richter was noted today (20.01.2025) in , according to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) and the American Institute of Geological Studies (USGS). The epicenter of the earthquake was located 23 km northeast of the town of Eugene in Taiwan and the focal depth is estimated at 10 km. CORVERSE Taiwanese authorities say the earthquake was 6.4 degrees in size. The fire department announced that three people were trapped in a damaged building in the city of Tainan and on site have rushed rescuers. TSMC semiconductor manufacturing company informed that it evacuated its factories to the central and southern parts of the island. ADVERSE Breaking: Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes Western Taiwan. — PM Breaking News (@PMBreakingNews) POWERFUL EARTHQUE HITS SOUTHERN TAIWAN A 6.4-magnitude strike southern Taiwan at 12:17 am on January 21, 2025. The Quake caused widespread damage, including: – A supermarket in Tainan City’s Yujing District, where shelves collected and drinks were scattered… — Weather Monitor (@WeatherMonitors) Last April, 13 dead were the 7.2-degree earthquake account in the eastern province of Hualien. More than 100 people died in the 2016 earthquake in southern Taiwan, while over 2,400 dead were the account of the 7.3 degree earthquake that shocked the island in 1999.
6.4-degree earthquake Richter in Taiwan – Three trapped
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