5 things not to do before bedtime

The eternal question: go to bed early, sleep (possibly) and more than 8 hours, but finally in the morning you feel and…
again tired. What is it, anyway?
And as it is not always sufficient quantity for you to feel totally relaxed but also the quality of sleep that you do, I gathered the 6 habits that you have before bedtime, but you need to stop immediately, if you want to enjoy those hours.
1) Finish any loose ends of the job
Even if there are very few of those emails you have left, it will make your brain react as work, hindering, thus, the relaxation of the mind.
2) Share the various app your profile
You may think, and you can see photos on instagram it helps you to sleep, however there are studies that have proven that blue and white light on the screens prevents your brain to release melatonin, the hormone that puts your body in the process of sleep.
3) Consume sugary foods…
A recent study published in the “Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine” indicates that foods with a high content of saturated fats and sugar associated with light and non-productive sleep. In addition, we must not forget that even the dark chocolate that does not contain as much sugar as other, it has caffeine, which means that it is advisable not to consume before you go to bed.
4) …Or/And spicy foods
Yes, and if you like tacos, it’s good to know that spicy foods often cause acid reflux, especially if you lie down for a while after you finish it, so προτίμησέ for lunch.
5) you Drink too much, too much water
You are supposed to drink water and to stay hydrated but all of them are throughout the course of the day and not all at once before you go to bed, because then all you will accomplish is to get up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom.