5 strange kits

Anything that can cheer you up is likely to become addictive, after the “reward” that you get makes you want…
and another, and another… it is Not, however, only the substances, the alcohol and the pills can lead to addiction, as well as the modern societies seem to have passed from addiction to substances to an addiction to behaviors. In fact, even if these dependencies do not harm the body, this does not make them less important, since it affects the social, professional and family life of the addict. Can, also, the terms used to describe them may not be widely accepted and experts are divided on the correct definition, but that doesn’t make them less real.
1 Do you suffer from “νομοφοβία”it?
No, it’s not about the “fear of the law”, but an acronym of the English words “no-mobile-phone-phobia”, which simply characterizes the dependence on the mobile phone and the concern that causes the absence of the. In fact, a british survey showed that 53% of the users mobile phone experience stress when they lose their cell phone or when it has not battery, units or name. So, maybe in the beginning this unique device to our solved the hands, but then it seems to us tied hand and foot and while in the beginning made communication easier, then tripped! In a world where most look at the “smart” device and work more than needed because of their inability to shut down their mobile, it’s not unreasonable to be born to such a phobia, explain the experts. Besides, we all know someone who ignores the company to take a look at the messages and who may consider the loss of the mobile a real disaster.
2 You have fomo by it?
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest. Answer honestly: Every how much time the check? Just do something, make sure to post in the profile? You watch anxiously how many “like” your have done? If you have answered “yes” to most of the above questions, then you suffer from fomo by (Fear Of Missing Out), or in other words obsessed with the Internet and social media. The new “pathology” mainly concerns young people up to 40 years of age, who are afraid that if they stay away from the online life that may lose something important, so that where found and where you stand seeking access to the links. Eventually, however, instead of living their lives and rejoice the moments with those around them, sacrificing in order to experience the “joy” through a virtual reality.
3 Exercise with the problem?
The gym is good, but when it becomes a compulsion -when it is no longer an option but a necessity-, then it becomes a “compulsive exercise”, as it is the official scientific term. This means that someone has become addicted to the gym, exercised so much more than “normal”, which can lead to injuries due to the excessive demands of the body. How will you know if something like this happens with you? In such a case it is possible, for example, to feel excessive anxiety, guilt or anger when you don’t have time to go
at the gym, or you prefer to put second to your social life in order to not miss a scheduled training session, signs that you will certainly have to make you worry.
4 Subjection to the bonds of sex?
You can’t stop watching porn films? You have a lot of sex, but I don’t enjoy it? You risk much in order to satisfy your need for sex? If the sex monopolizes your thinking and the sexual act is the primary concern in your life, maybe you have an addiction to sex, which have made it a defense mechanism, behind which is hidden is often some other cause, point out experts. The sexually addicted person devotes a large part of the day either having sex or looking for behaviors associated with it. Yes, displays of discomfort when it fails to satisfy the compulsion, while it may not calm down even after covering the need of this. Although the dependent person is likely to have remorse after the act, these emotions don’t prevent you from repeating the behavior.
5 Shopping therapy or addiction?
You spend a lot of time in the stores, which “steal” from your family? Your people complain of the excesses? Do you feel guilty every time you buy something and you will reach the point to go for shopping in secret? Experts explain that the exhausting that shopping is not to meet real consumer needs, but in order to cover unpleasant feelings and to seek a temporary relief and an easy solution to the problems. The causes of this dependency are deeper, as, for example, a childhood without gifts, the fierce desire for social recognition, the emotional void and need relief from the stress. That is why addicts feel unable to control their spending, even if they have a negative impact on other areas of their lives.

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