5 secrets for beautiful and more rich beard

The beard is not just a trend of the season. It gives prestige, charm, and boost virility. So, if you decided …
let your beard grow out, in a good way.
But an impressive beard, is the result of a correct trim. So before you hang the scissors and the shaving, make sure first to have complied with the following.
The vitamins will justify
You may find this hard to believe, but there are vitamins and minerals in your daily diet, which will help your beard to grow quickly and easily. In general, the beard is affected by food with macro-nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals). In the first phase, make sure the agency you have accessibility to foods with levels of magnesia, zinc, and vitamin D, which increase the production of testosterone – the need for the beard in this case. Make sure to consume eggs, salmon, spinach, broccoli, nuts and enough milk.
Forget the stress and sleep more
Technical, the average adult needs 6-7 hours of sleep in order to be able to cope. The bedtime plays a much greater role than you expected, as both the beard -and the rest of your body – take advantage of the time during sleep to regenerate. Besides, during sleeping, your body is not experiencing stress with the result that the hairs on your body to regenerate faster. Finally, don’t forget the exercise. At least one hour a day, will keep the testosterone levels high, growing up the production of your beard.
To have patience for better result
Even if you keep all of the above, you need to have in mind that the construction of the hair from person to person differs. There are men who face their fills a thick beard in two days and others that are trying a week to have a moderate length. The beard requires time and patience. Don’t grow all the beard with the same frequency. If this is the first time you try to leave a thick beard, you know that you’ll need at least 1 month for a good length. The texture also changes depending on age. At 40, the beard has much higher density compared to the 20 years.
Quit smoking
The truth is that smoking should be stop because it is killing you day by day. Not only because it dissolves the hair. The bearded man, however, will have this headache. Smoking causes hair loss-yes, and by the beard and destroys the tissues of their skin to the point that you’ll look 10 years older than you are. End destroys all the vitamins and minerals contained in these foods. So as if you look to eat cleanly, you’ve lost the game with the smoking.
Don’t forget the care of your skin
Beard or not, every man needs to take care of the skin. The resources you besides are in it, so the logical and only says that I have to take care of. Initially make sure to avoid the shower with hot water, since it will cause fast dryness in your skin. Then pay attention to moisturizing – at least for the face. Preferred products that are rich in vitamin B5 which will help in regeneration of hair. Also, if you have the misfortune to have very dry skin, you should once a month to take care of to do exfoliation. As fast as you eradicate the dead tissue from the face, so space will give the new hair to make the magnificent beard.

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