4 tips to exercise more

Exercise is important for health but also our beauty , doing 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day is highly beneficial for weight maintenance.We present to you 4 tips to exercise more.
Below are listed four 4 tips to incorporate more physical activity into your everyday routine : • Choose an exercise that you like, Often people choose an exercise that is not familiar with this, with the result that they feel uncomfortable in the gym or start to dislike the comparable activity, with the result that the stop. By selecting a different activity that is enjoyable and represents you, you can increase the odds to become one of your favorite daily habits.
And if the special skills are a concern for you, you can try an activity that requires minimal equipment, such as walking, running and jumping rope. • Exercise with friends, friends can offer encouragement and help you detach from your routine. • Move more in the workplace Even during a busy working day you can find time to work out in your workplace. A 10-minute walk during a coffee break or walking with a co-worker are very good options instead of sitting in a conference table. But the commute to work is another opportunity for exercise e.x by taking public transportation and going down a stop earlier than usual or use the stairs instead of the elevator when you are in your office. • Move more at home There are many opportunities for exercise at home.
Doing housework or gardening can certainly count as exercise. You can also consider the option for the purchase of home exercise equipment, so you can work out more and whenever you can, without having to do distances. The equipment can be pricey, but it is a charge one time and can be used by the whole family. With the collaboration of Dimitra Stamouli, Clinical Dietician – Nutritionist, Î’Sc, Scientific Director of Centre for Dietetic Support & Metabolic Control DUE to DIET, Holargos, www.logodiatrofis.gr,

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