180 acres of forest were… ashes – it Provided for an all-night battle with the flames

Overnight is expected to be the battle with the flames in the area Λαρδά of the municipality of Kissamos,…
The fire occurred today at 1 at noon, meaning the alarm to the fire brigade which rushed with mighty force.
At the point all afternoon, attempting a total of 16 firefighters in seven vehicles while in the early evening the force was reinforced by far.
In accordance with information of the cretapost, at 8.30 in the evening the fire was brought under partial control while in the spot remaining 9 vehicles with 18 firefighters and a section hiker of 10 people.
200 acres of land have already become ash
The fire was originally from arable land, however, quickly expanded and in forestry.
The information in the cretapost, report that they have already burned 200 acres of land, and in particular 180 forest area and 20 agricultural.