13 popular fruit and the unique therapeutic properties

The fruit is not only pleasant to the taste, as indeed is also indicated by the same word that is derived from the Latin “frui” which means “enjoy”, but at the same time nourish and protect the body with powerful medicinal properties.
The fruit is by nature the “perfect food” that is intended to attract animals to consume so that, for example, to disperse their seeds. This means that in contrast to grains and other protein-rich foods and non-nutritious ingredients, such as wheat, tomatoes and beans that we humans have chosen to consume, the fruit is less likely to have hidden negative aspects if as benefiting those, so we benefit too when we eat them.
Also, our biological dependence on obtaining vitamin C from external sources (unlike most animals we can not produce it from glucose), but also the countless millennia of fruit consumption have left their genetic infrastructure with the need for continuous supply of several key vitamins and plant compounds which the fruits contain in copious quantities.
Taking into account this symbiotic relationship between the fruit trees and the dissemination of their seeds by animals, the following healing properties of the fruit did not seem at all strange.
Grapefruit – Infections
The seeds of this fruit in dosage from 5 to 6 every 8 hours for 2 weeks have proven to be effective in elimination of urinary tract infections, including strains of viruses that are resistant to the drugs.
Pineapple – Cancer
The enzyme bromelain extracted from pineapple has been demonstrated in animal models that are more powerful than the χημειοτοξική substance 5-fluorouracil in the fight against cancer.
Watermelon – Hypertension
The watermelon contains amino acids, such as L-citrulline, which help the blood vessels to dilate, of course, correcting the endothelial dysfunction and reducing blood pressure.
Cherry – Inflammation / Pain
The compounds found in cherries, and are known as anthocyanins have been shown to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing pain and inflammation.
Lemon – kidney Stones
Treatment with lemon is a reasonable alternative for patients who suffer from kidney stones.
Papaya – skin Ulcers
It is used in Jamaica as a traditional medicine, while new research has shown that topical application of unripe fruit-papaya in chronic skin ulcers has a positive response rate of 72%.
Pomegranate – Hormones
The pomegranate contains powerful phytoestrogens that do not support the uncontrolled proliferation of cells and are beneficial for the health of the female hormones.
Kiwifruit – Cholesterol
The extract of kiwi, when used together with hawthorn, it was found more effective than simvastatin (a medicine Zocor) in lowering cholesterol in mice given a diet high cholesterol.
Cranberry – Infections
The extract of this berry has been proven to be as effective as the trimethoprim in the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in older women without increasing the risk of resistance or of excessive infection from the antibiotics or / and appearance of fungal infection.
Elder – Flu
If you are lucky enough and you manage to find elder in a food store, you will find that it has been used as a natural treatment of infections of the respiratory system since ancient times. A new survey confirms that it contains flavonoids, which are comparable to the antiviral drug Tamiflu as regards the prevention of the virus H1N1.
Coconut – Gastric ulcers
Both milk and water of the coconut has been proven to have αντιελκωτικές properties with regard to corrosion of the mucosa from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Plantain – Diarrhea
The plantain has been used in the treatment of diarrhoea by traditional medicine, but clinical studies now confirm the value of the in the treatment of persistent diarrhoea in children hospitalized with regard to duration of diarrhoea, weight gain and cost.
Strawberries – Cardiovascular diseases
It has been shown that many red fruits and berries are valuable for heart health, but strawberry is beginning to stand out as particularly beneficial for cardiovascular health. The powder of strawberry has been shown to improve the lipid profile, oxidative stress markers and markers of atherosclerosis in women with metabolic syndrome.
Also, the strawberry extract relaxes the inner lining of blood vessels, which reduces high blood pressure and relieves the heart muscle from overexertion. [xvii] Even the extract of the leaves of the strawberry it has been shown that it increases the blood flow in the coronary arteries in a manner similar to the extract κράταιγου.