Met today Thursday, 12 May 2016, in the second Session for the month of May, the Standing Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, under the Presidency of his Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all Greece mr. Hieronymus…
During yesterday’s and today’s Session:
The Standing Holy Synod ratified the Minutes of the Delegation.
Was informed by the Synodical Committee for Social Welfare and Beneficence on Account of the Expenditure for the Charity Ministry in the year 2015, in the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and the Holy Metropolises of the Church of Greece.
The amount spent is 126.041.801,73 € and covers all of the σιτιστικÎÏ‚ needs and the operating expenses of the Institutions of the Church of Greece.
Also tabled the following illustrative table structure of the Church of Greece by the year 2015.
126 million eur for the Charity Ministry of the Church in 2015