12 strange Greek words and what they mean

Making a short search in texts, poems, and “local” names uncover dozens of Greek words which, if we didn’t have a dictionary, probably classed in the category of…
See below for some examples.
* Διπούτσα: don’t go to your brain on the sly. It comes from the verb “διπουτσώνω”, used by the locals of the Kea and refers to the rope with which they tie the front left with the back right leg of goat for her not to go.
* Ζνίχι: The only word that starts with “zn” means the back part of the neck, the neck, the neck. It is a word of the old primary, which we find in many homeric translations. Also appears in proverbs, such as : “the pride blackens the ζνίχι”.
* Μπροστομούνι: Here goes your mind on the sly, since it is the name of the valance in Lefkada, probably because the fabric falls in front of this point.
* Ουλαμάρχης: the One who is leading a small military unit. Those who went navy probably remember it.
* Πομφόλυγα: The blister on the skin, a metaphor is used to reveal word empty, without content and go to “package” with the φληνάφημα like expression (twaddle and talk= things meaningless, nonsense).
* Σπουδάρχης: The word refers to someone who seeks in every way to his office.
* Boustrophedon: With this word characterized the writing, which is continuous from the left to the right in the first row of the text, and then goes back to the left to the right in the next row.k., forming an “S”. Probably the name comes from the course forming an ox in a meadow.
* Ασκαρδαμυκτί: it Comes from the ancient adjective “ασκαρδάμυκτος” and means to follow someone without blinking your eyelids.
* Φωτοσβέστης: The enemy of the progress of the spirit and of education. The skotadistis.
* Φραγγέλιο: The whip of plaited ropes or straps. It is rarely used in expressions such as “needed here φραγγέλιο”, i.e. there must be punishment.
* Λυμεώνας: One that causes extensive damage, that takes advantage of something brutal and ruthless.

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