10 ways to kiss (definitely) better

“A kiss is a little, very little”. But if you give it to me in a way that will awaken all the senses, may be enough. The kiss connects, it is intoxicating, addictive…
Wait for the time that you give him. Spontaneity can make it more possible, the “technique” but, perhaps, even more enjoyable. The kiss, -say those who have lived more than us, other times, more authentic, more romantic – she’s baring more than sex. Shows how much you want to or not. So, if you’re with someone that you really want, don’t expect anything, just show him the! With a kiss that is all his own!
Here are a few tricks to make every kiss memorable! And believe us, even that in and of itself, can make him want you even more.
1) Breath of cool: Okay, you don’t say it doesn’t happen every time I kiss him to think about if your breath smells like mint, but it is very nice to watch her a little more when you’re together. You can’t have eaten onion and garlic and wait for someone else to make charms when I tasted your kiss. Put yourself in his position…
2) “Build” the moment: If you want to “live a little as a movie, play a little with time. Build a history. Give the kiss on an unsuspecting moment. Αιφνίδιασέ him!
3) “A look from you is enough”: Try to kiss him without saying a word. Mystery, how you say? Look at him deep in the eyes, wake the senses.
4) don’t suppress your life: what is forced, it is doomed to fail. Don’t feel any pressure to give kisses now that you don’t feel it. Either you have next to you someone who you really want, or not, to be spontaneous and to do everything the moment you really want to.
5) But why the rush? : Don’t rush to give him a kiss when you see that the other side at that moment may not want to. The best kisses are given when they want and the two. The kiss is something that he wants reciprocity for it to work, like so many other things in this life.
6) With a tongue?: The language of the kiss can do it from enjoyable up to disgusting. We talked about the kiss, but not like this…. If you see that and on the other side like to use, then ok!
7) The appropriate conditions: This may change all this and to kill you. If you’re in the wrong place and not under the appropriate conditions, then the kiss can be given with an epic fail! Created the appropriate conditions.
8) Spontaneity: The “Be yourself” is not just a cliché line that you get tired of hearing. It is a reality and a truth. Yeah, give the kiss whenever you come out, if this is how you operate better!
9) don’t drool on me: Yes, it is best to drool on. Yes, we know, you want to love all over you, but really put yourself in his position. Do you like to… take a bath when he kisses you?
10) Let the whole body talk: you can Pet him. Let your hands wander on his face. Tenderly. To be sure that you will like it.