10 questions about 22 public “Omnesia” Schools: Which areas will operate, how to import

The signing ceremony of the contract for the creation of 22 public “Onasia” between the Ministry of Education and the Onassis Foundation was held at the Maximos Palace on Monday morning, with the presence of the Prime Minister. These are 22 schools (11 Gymnasiums and 11 General Lyceia) that will operate in areas of the country facing social and economic challenges and will give thousands of students and students the supplies, knowledge and environment needed to develop their skills. As Kyriakos Mitsotakis pointed out, they will join the “Onesia” within the next 18 months. DIVERSE Specifically, they concern the areas, including: Kolonos, Kipseli, Menidi, Perama, Peristeri, Cordelios, Kozani, Xanthi, Rhodes and Heraklion Crete. They will operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, in close cooperation with the Onassis Foundation, which undertakes their building upgrade and cover part of their operating expenses. The timetable will be similar to that of Standards schools and will include additional innovations in how they are linked to universities and research centres, while in the operation of educational groups and ensembles they will have access and students of neighbouring public schools. Analytically the school units to be converted into Public “Onisia” Schools: DIFFERENCE The Public “Onisia” Schools in ten questions and answers 1. What are Public Onassis Schools? It is a network of existing public schools, which will be funded by the Onassis Foundation, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. These are 22 Schools (11 Gymnasiums and 11 High Schools) across the country. In September 2025 at least the first 6 school units (3 High School, 3 Gymnasiums) will operate, which will be announced by the end of January 2025. The students and students who at the start of the DIMs. O.S. will attend the second and third classes of high school and high school remain and complete their study in them. The total number of students and students in DIM. Ooh. S will reach 6,000 per year and total over 22,000 on a 12-year horizon. 2. In which areas will they operate? Of all 22 schools , 10 (Gymnasia – Lyceia) will operate in the Region of Attica and 12 in the rest of Greece. In Attica, DIM.O. They will be established in Kolonos, Kipseli, Menidi, Perama and Peristeri. In Thessaloniki, the areas selected are Xerokrini and Evosmos. In the district, DIM. Ooh. They will welcome Kozani, Xanthi, Rhodes and Heraklion. The main selection criterion was the strengthening of areas facing social and economic challenges. It was also a requirement that there were no other standards or experimental schools nearby and that the geographical proximity of the High School and High School selected played a role in order to facilitate cooperation between them and their cooperation with Higher Educational Institutions and research centres. The final decision on the areas was made following close cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and the Onassis Foundation. 3. How will they be run? The Network of DIM.O.S. will be run by a nine-member Commission, in which five members will be appointed by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sport by decision of the Minister responsible. The remaining four members are indicated by the Onassis Foundation. Responsibility for the daily operation of DIMs. (a) the Director/ Director (b) the Deputy Director/Director and (c) the Association of Teachers. Schools belonging to the Network shall be managed by the Directorate for Secondary Education concerned. 4. What is their goal? The formation of integrated citizens. The provision of high quality public free education aimed at the full, harmonious and balanced development and cultivation of students. The implementation of innovative educational programmes using experiential teaching methods and other pioneer teaching practices and actions. The promotion of scientific research in education, the promotion of student training in digital technology and artificial intelligence and the promotion of multilingualism. 5. How will they work? Training will be absolutely free. DIM.O.S. will follow the program of Standards Schools, emphasising Humanities, Positive and Social Sciences, Fine Arts, Digital Education and Emotional and Social Intelligence. In order to achieve the goals, in addition to the timetable for Standards Schools, Groups and Totals will operate, with additional items in Positive and Humanitarian Sciences, Languages, Art, Culture and Sports. The Groups will carry out innovative actions, strengthening teaching and preparation for the Pan-Hellenic examinations. The participation of students and students in the Groups and Totals will be mandatory for at least 10 educational hours weekly throughout the school year. 6. Will they interact with the other public schools in the area? The aim is osmosis that will help overall upgrade public education. Students from other public school units in the same geographical area may participate in the Groups and Totals at the request and approval of the Director of the DIM. Oh.S. 7. How will students and students be introduced and how will educational staff be selected? The students will be admitted to the first high school and first secondary school by a similar procedure applicable to Standards Schools with participation in written examinations (tests) of knowledge and skills. The educational staff of DIM.O.S. will also be selected by a similar procedure followed for the educational staff of the Standards Schools. 8. What are, under the contract, the obligations of the Onassis Foundation? The Onassis Foundation, through a donation of a total of 160m euros for 12 school years, will cover the equipment and building upgrading of existing 22 school units buildings. It will allocate up to EUR 1,000,000 per school unit to upgrade and improve infrastructure and up to EUR 500,000 per school unit and per school year to support actions and cover expenditure. Moreover, the Onassis Foundation will allocate the amount of 6,000,000 euros to cover extraordinary expenses arising from the operation of the Onassis Schools network. The Onassis Foundation will cover the additional remuneration of the teachers and administrative staff of the DIM.O.S. for their additional employment beyond their working hours and the costs for the operation of the Groups and the totals. The Onassis Foundation will cover expenditure on the development and training of educational staff through participation in educational programmes in Greece or abroad and for scholarships. 9. What are the obligations of the Greek State? Apart from the donation of the Onassis Foundation, the financial framework of DIMs. Oh.S. will be the same as the Standard Schools. The payroll of the educational and administrative staff will be covered by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and the fixed operating costs of schools by the municipalities to which they belong. 10. Since when will the contract apply? The Convention will apply from the date of its ratification in the House and its publication in the Journal of Government. It is a partnership between the Onassis Foundation and the Greek State, according to the successful model of the Onassis Cardiosurgical Center. The “Donation of a Donation Agreement between the Public Benefit Foundation “Alexandros S. ONASIS”, the Onassis Cardiosurgical Center (O.K.) and the Greek State” was passed (27 September 2018) with a broad majority and the support of Syriza, ANEL, ND, Democratic Coalition, and Potamios.