ΡΑΓΔΑΙΕΣ developments: Early ELECTIONS or cabinet reshuffles?

Heavy… heavy is the climate of the headquarters of the Megaron Maximos, following the decision of the council of state deemed unconstitutional the law Priest…
Besides, officers of the government had characterized the previous days as a “defeat” a potential rejection of the act Pappas of the Council of State, and now we have to see how they manage the situation that has developed.
The embarrassment of Herodes Atticus in front of the… slap in the face that comes seemed clear and to the aggressive statement of the government representative, Olga Γεροβασίλη, some time after the announcement of the decision of the Coe.
Mrs Γεροβασίλη announced that next Monday the government will bring to Parliament a draft law that provides for the issuance of certificates of operation of the private station, “until they are granted the first legitimate tv licenses on the basis of the law 4339/2015”.
In short, the co-presidency of SYRIZA and Independent Greeks will do this once denounced, with the placement of the government’s representative to it is, in fact, still a direct attack against an independent Judiciary.
After these developments in the narrow prime circle of Maximus appear, now, two different trends are pushing Alexis Tsipras: the first asks the prime minister to move forward on the political element of surprise through the conduct of early elections and the second the “press” to proceed with the reshuffle of the Cabinet, with a purely socialist sign.
In fact, information of Newsbomb.gr, indicate that there may be even a proclamation of the prime minister within the next few hours, in order to inform the Greek people for the moves.
The communication – and not only defeat, moreover, is a given and this is well know at Maximus…
What remains is to find a way to… raise!
But raise you in a panic? ? It will show…
The next few hours are very critical.