Μετακλητούς – “heavy” names of the River reveals the X. Spirtzis

In the counter-attack “passes” the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks Christos Spirtzis, after the… attack, mainly, from “The River”, but also from New york.D., on the subject of μετακλητών public officials, giving publicity GAZETTE and Decisions, showing appointments as “μετακλητών” strains of the River to the Office of the Party in the House.
Special report of the Minister, to the daughter of the head of the River, Dimitra Χατζηεμμανουήλ – for which the Christos Spirtzis wonders “what is the family relationship with mr. Theodorakis’ in his communication – and the appointment of the ΣΤΑΣΥ in the Office of a Member of Attica of the Party, George Μαυρωτά, giving, yes, and partisan dimension to the issue, and the decision of secondment of such employee, signed by the then Chairman of the board.P. and Ceo of ΣΤΑΣΥ A.E. and now the General Manager of the New york.D., N. Παπαθανάση, as it points to the Minister.
In particular, in his communication, the Minister says:
“Many words are poverty.
We believe that it is legitimate and moral, as indeed occurs throughout the world, political parties, parliamentarians, Ministers, meps have as μετακλητούς officials, executives of absolute confidence.
Because we accept a lot of mud, so by the “RIVER”, and from companions like the SW for the issue of μετακλητών employees and not only, we are giving the government GAZETTE and the decisions (government GAZETTE 811/13/11/2015, decision ΥΠΕΣ no. ref: ΔΙΔΚ/F.61/14979, decision ΣΤΑΣΥ A.P: 6959 16/4/15, CORRECT REPEAT A.P: 6959 16/4/2015, decision ΣΤΑΣΥ 1983 meeting 680/30-3-15, ΣΤΑΣΥ No.REF: 4313 10/03/15, decision ΣΤΑΣΥ A.E: 13456 16/7/14, infrastructure, transport and networks FROM: 20633 23/10/2014) and ask, the RIVER, and mr. Theodorakis:
It is with a decision by you appointed to your office in the House as μετακλητοί:
Of the department. Mp for Attica and spokesman of the RIVER, Dimitris Τσιόδρας it?
Mrs Apostolaki, which also happened to be and partner your business in the PROTAGON this?
The nominated member of parliament with the RIVER, Maria Antoniadou it?
Also ask with regard to the clerk of the ΣΤΑΣΥ, mr. Demeter Χατζηεμμανουήλ, disintegrated in the political office of the member C. Μαυρωτά, what is the family relationship with mr. Theodorakis.
How do they explain that the decision adopted by mr Παπαθανάσης, then president and ceo of ΣΤΑΣΥ and current general Manager of the SOUTHWEST by mr Mitsotakis.
The relationships and contacts of mr. Stavros Theodorakis with the SW, and mr Mitsotakis is obvious that they have roots from a very old…”
The GG nominations of candidates of Members and associates of the River

Posting Demeter Χατζηεμμανουήλ

The Decision Παπαθανάση
