ΚΕΑΤ: a Lecture on the benefits of voluntary blood donation

The Centre for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind (ΚΕΑΤ) and The Commission for Youth of the…
Panhellenic Association of the Blind, organized a scientific lecture about the benefits of voluntary blood donation and the importance of process in human life.
The update will be carried out by scientific staff of the National Centre for blood Donation and the Hospital “Amalia Fleming”, as well as representatives of the Panhellenic Federation of Voluntary blood Donors, while the launch will be opened with a welcome speech of the deputy Mayor for Social Care of the Municipality of Kallithea, mrs. Anna Paschou.
We invite you to be near us and to learn about a process that keeps a few minutes and saves lives!
Wednesday 19 October 2016, 17:00-19:00 in the Auditorium of the ΚΕΑΤ,
El. Venizelos 210 and Sparta (entrance from Sparta).
Of co-organisers
The Commander and Chairman of the board. P. the ΚΕΑΤ
Panagiota I. Leotsakos
The Secretary of the Committee on Youth.P.T.
Evangelos Eggman